Monday, March 11, 2013

To Differentiate Expired Car Tyre 如何分辨过期轮胎

"How to Differentiate Expired Car Tyre": English Version is below.
不知你们是否已得知这些相关资讯,但基于这文章里的一些资讯我也听别人说过,也还蛮符合,所以觉得这篇文章可信度很高。决定转来部落与你们分享 =)
(1)  要如何分辨过期tyre,避免给奸商欺骗, 大家来看看照片里左上角那张。大家看看 [3103] 这个数字, 前面 [31] 代表星期,[03] 代表年份,意思是说这条tyre的制造日期是 2003年7月的第三个礼拜,明白吗? 而tyre最佳使用期为4年之内。而过期tyre有什么危险?大家看看里面的下面照片,可看见过期的tyre不能耐热,会有裂痕,当使用一段时间就有可能发生爆胎,很危险!
(2)  要如何选择适合的Size,我先解释一下这堆数字,大家看看右上角那张。
(a) 165 代表 tyre花纹的宽度,如果这个数字越高就代表你的rim JJ越大,tyre花纹占地律多了就自然更加吃地,但相对来讲引擎负荷就变大。
(b) 65 代表 tyre本身高度,这个数字如果越高的话车子就会比较舒适但是跑快就很浮,相反如果越低的话车子就会越吵越跳,不过跑快车子的稳定性会越好。
(c) ... R14 代表 tyre的直径尺寸,这个是跟rim的。

(3) 79T 是代表可以负荷790KG重量,T代表speed rating。那么T代表最高速多少呢?请参考以下网址


English Version: How to Differentiate Expired Car Tyre

Frankly speaking, the reliability of this article is quite high. Some facts are true and same as what I heard from others. Hence, I decided to share this article here. For those drivers, you should take some time to read through this article. =)
(1) How to differentiate expired car tire and avoid being deceived?
Let's have a look in the upper left corner photo. Note: One year has 52 weeks. Take a look at [3103], [31] represents weeks while [03] represents the year, which means that this tyre date of manufacture is third week of July 2003, clear? While the vehicle tires validity period is four years from the Date of Manufacture (DOM). Thereafter, what happens if you still using tyre that already expired? As you can see from the lower photo, expired tyre cannot stand the heat, there will be cracks. After a certain period, it might results in tire blowout or a flat tire or burst whilst in use, which can be very dangerous! See how severe this problem is if you don't notice it in advance.

(2) How to choose the right size? Allow me to explain these figures, let's take a look at the top right corner photo.
(a) 165 represents the pattern tire width. The higher the number, the greater your rim JJ, tire tread will covers more area to the floor, but relatively speaking, the engine load becomes larger.
(b) 65 represents tyre height. The higher the figure, the car will be more comfortable, but the car is floating when driving at high speeds. To the contrary, the lower the number, the car will be more noisy and vibrating more than usual, but the better the stability will be when driving at high speeds.
(c) ... R14 behalf of the diameter size of the tyre, with the rim.

(3) 79T means can load 790KG weight, T represents the speed rating. What is the maximum speed does T represents? Please refer to the following website

How much wind resource is considered appropriate?

For normal family car, the standard is between 200kpa-230kpa, but if too little will affect the fuel consumption. Last but not least, if you replace a larger tire than the original rim / tire, this will directly affect your car's speed, the car's speed will rise. It means that when your car's speedometer shows 110km/h, you actually have drive more than 110km/h. This depends on how large your rim/tyre is.
The importance of Rim: the bigger the Rim doesn't result in fuel consumption, but is the weight of the Rim!

Check all your tires for safety purposes. Do not use expired tires. They are likely to burst (especially when running in hot weather) because the rubber component may have hardened and cracked. Hope this helps.

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