哈 在校园里做了个小调查
结果显示 星期日晚上七时
说真的 我“个人”觉得
幸福任务不是很好看 很闷
无敌状元 啦啦啦啦
无敌状元 啦啦啦啦
说真的 一开始听这部曲就觉得特是好笑!
无敌状元的主持人 蛮喜欢
更深入了解 才明白原来观看无敌状元节目
是受父母的影响 当然 包括我在内嘻嘻^^
不做探花 不做榜眼 只做无敌状元
熟悉的对白 没想到转眼间就来到尾声了!
下星期日 就是龙争虎斗的日子
其实我还蛮期待的 毕竟觉得现在的孩子太聪颖了
以前的时代 哪有这样的机会啊?
新山宽柔二校 槟城韩江小学 礼让建国学校
你支持哪一队? 写到这
哎呀 你支持哪一队啊?!
德国? 荷兰?抑或是西班牙?
今年也有槟城学校入三甲了! 会是韩江小学吗?
呵呵 实不相瞒 我支持新山宽柔二校!
其实说真的 进到前三甲 实力不容看小
可谓旗鼓相当 就视当天的运气罢了
就拿 智勇状元 单元来说
倘若抽到难题 那学生可忧愁了
那分分钟可以帮助学生起死回生 扭转乾坤啦!
不到最后一分钟 都不知鹿死谁手
所以除了实力外 运气也非常重要哇
所以各个学校要多多加油 也祝你们好运!
新山队 要加油哇! 我看好你们~
去年拿第四 今年要拿第一哦+
This essay just give an idea about the ethnic relations.
most concerned with majority-minority relations because of their potential for serious disruption in a society, i.e. it is not functional for a society to become severely divided along lines of race, ethnicity or religion
if a society has ethnic inequality, one of two conditions must be present – either the inequality itself is meeting some kind of social need in the society, or more likely the inequality is a result of some social condition that is in some ways useful to society
in general sense of stratification: possible function - creates incentives, e.g. in terms of jobs some jobs are more critical to the functioning of society and require longer, more difficult periods of training and thus these jobs carry greater rewards, therefore socioeconomic inequality is necessary and inevitable – however no explanation is given for why stratification should occur on basis of race or ethnicity
in case of race, ethnic minorities fill an important need by their willingness to work at jobs and/or wages that are unattractive to others but needed – fills essential jobs, especially true for immigrant minorities who view such positions as superior to those available in their place of origin, and can be applied to rural migrants to cities
Key function: it sees ethnic stratification not so much as something that is useful to society itself but rather ethnic stratification is the product of ethnocentrism which is what is useful – because society needs a shared identity, a "we" feeling, cooperation which is only possible when society’s members share certain basic values
most functionalists agree that ethnic stratification is a problem and it ought to be minimized but it is seen as inevitable as long as there is diversity within a society, because of need for consensus and group identity, ethnocentrism will always tend to occur
The ways to minimize ethnocentrism are:
to reduce cultural differences between dominant group and minorities
to eliminate legal and other barriers set up by dominant group to exclude minorities,
to develop any skills that may be lacking in the minority groups to enable them to participate in society
this will result in assimilation which is only way out
burden of change is on minority groups
minority groups will experience hostility
most inequality is inherited not earned and there is not free mobility between generations, and thus incentive argument cannot work
Maybe this news is not new to you.
But, I just wanna to share^^
Well, I just came back from KL.
KTM Kuala Lumpur getting attacked badly
by a toppled crane!
A part of the train tracks have been damaged.
The utility pole were collapsed!
Because of the Bersih 2.0 rally,
I have to take a rest last saturday!
Moreover, what a fool Kasturi centre...
They unexpectedly got classes last saturday!
Only they can do that == ishhh...!
Because of the crane crash disrupts
KTM services at KL station,
the train only stops at Bank Negara or KL Central
and then reverse back.
Luckily, KTM has provided solution for us^^
Although it was wasting time,
but atleast better than we cannot arrived at destination, right?
KTM has provided bus services for us
to KL station or KL central station.
The way still same with KTM line^^
I fully thanks to the nice people in Bank Negara station
who let me know that there's no train to KL station+
Hence, I believe that good people always
more than bad people over this world!
I must become a part of nice people too haha!!
when they told me that there was no train to KL station,
I took the news with a grain of salt.
Is it really the train didn't arrive at KL station?
Finally, I asked KTM worker. Yup, it's truth^^
After I arrived there,
I saw the workers busy with work to remove the structure,
cleaning and re-installation of damaged cables.
An unforgettable day//
"Ethnic Relation"?
Do you know how to explain that?
I don't know! What a headache topic!
It just like waste my time =.=
I have to explain the importance somemore...
Because of this, I haven't revise my Chemis yet!
Tomorrow have test! Ouch*
No way, no mood already~
Maybe blogging is a way to reduce headache?
the NTV7 10 p.m drama
has been transmitted on TV just now.
~Listening the end song. Quite nice. 断掌的女人
How? How to elaborate "Ethnic Relation" course?
Have to think think think! aRGh
On the other hand,
this friday is sports day.
Yeah, no need to study^^
Take a rest.
Have a question.
Who went to KL last Saturday?
Hehe, actually I have tuition on Saturday.
But, luckily I shift to Friday!
It is because KTM was closed+
These few days,
there is smoky haze around us!
Everyone have to drink more water
and less consume fried food!
Take care.
Headache Headache Headache
Sleeping Dreaming Dreaming...
Good Night***
Kolokium赢了!! 但那不是我。
哈 还是蛮替她开心的
昨日 她代表学校去参赛
当然 她是马来人
Daerah Gombak的
哇 真是不简单噢
题目是: Peranan Akhbar Dalam Meningkatkan Isu-isu Semasa
可是 我没去
因为如果我去了 即将失去了四班列车
昨日一共有上四科 尤其是数学
没去一日 那班火车简直不知给老师开去哪里了
上到中六 老师们似乎很赶时间
就是要快快把课程赶完似的 救命啊