Sunday, March 31, 2013

林大咏 Ling BIG Yong 实力+幸运的90后男孩

几够力下,几星期前就写好了的文章,竟然可以拖到今天才Post上来 @.@
总之是你值得 “赞 Like” 的 Facebook Pages 专页 啦!

..........在几星期前的一天,偶然在Facebook注意到这位男孩主演的短片,还记得是看了 “当孩子成绩考不好时对父母说的借口” 。当初看着时还在想:哇,这男的究竟是谁,怎么演到那么搞笑的?!@.@ 不过我还是看完了,因为虽然搞笑,但却很贴切生活,有些借口我也用过的哎!不过当时只把这男孩当作普通搞笑网民看待,看完就算。不过有些事就是这么巧合,当天,不知怎么地,一个朋友的链接,让我再次看到这男孩的脸孔,查之下总算搞懂了这男孩的来历。

原来他叫林大咏,又名林BIG咏。来自砂拉越 Sarawak Bintulu 的90后,目前仍是中学生。这是他在部落中的简介:

林BIG咏 ---- “大家好,我叫“林大咏”!我出生于马来西亚。我今年15岁(2012年)..从小我的梦想就是想要成为一名导演。我对电影这方面非常的兴趣。我会特别去参考或研究电影拍摄的技巧,以学习到更多有关于电影方面的知识。2009年年尾,我就开始决定创作影片。直到2012年的今天,我还是坚决不放弃这个理想。在这两年多里,我累积了很多制作/拍摄方面的经验。一路上,遇到了很多挫折,但,我从来没想过要放弃。而是,从挫折中学习,完成自己的梦想来荣耀上帝。这两年来,我大概制作了超过60部的影片。2010年,我开启了自己的面子书粉丝页(目前6500位粉丝数目), 这样爱我影片的粉丝们就可以更密切的了解我认识我,更可以收看到我的最新影片。当然,身边的亲人都蛮支持我的梦想。父母也知道我创作的事,他们也都看过了我的作品。至于身边的朋友呢。。。他们都非常支持我,有的还是我的头号粉丝。。有的人却会嘲笑我,侮辱我。这些,都算了。因为我相信我能办到,我相信上帝,相信自己有一天能够实现我的梦想,证明给他们看。谁都阻挡不了我。。阻挡不了我的梦想。

清楚明白这一切得来不易。不仅仅是粉丝,连影片素质也逐渐提高,务必让粉丝们看到最好的影片!没有收费,完完全全只为梦想而战的,又怎会只有林BIG咏一个?没了一般有共同梦想的战友,团队想活到今天确实是不可能的。所以这就是我说的 “幸运”:不仅要实力,运气与机会也扮演着一个举足轻重的因素。


说到拍影片?我最厉害那次只不过是和团队做Assignment的时候拍摄下罢了。但我试过导演话剧,故有点同感身受的感觉。要导演部剧,好的剧本,舞台,背景设置,音响,演员,缺一不可!所以我也算幸运,至少我有尝试过导演瘾 =) 不过确实不容易,别以为在观众面前呈现的那10分钟没什么,在背后我们可不知彩排了多久,多少次;有时遇到演员无法来排练的时候,确实是件蛮头疼的事。说到拍影片,也有难度,就如剪接,音效,拍摄角度,这些全都不可忽视。因为是影片,没了音效,会显得很沉闷。因为影片是放上youtube,网友们总是有双犀利的眼睛,看他们怎么去找TVB连续剧的瑕疵就知道了。因此导演对演员的要求也会提高。说到角度,要是那些男演员与女演员有太大身高距离的话,男演员就必须开个大字变矮,否则就出境了。没有受过专业训练却能拍出如此棒的影片,确实值得鼓励!


一切都得看机缘。有时还是会不禁感叹那句 “万事具备,只欠东风” 呐!
不过要相信,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。哎,别误会,这不是宗教信念,是古人传下的金玉良言,仅记仅记!想要成功,你首先得学会无求回报的付出,种多点好的种子,要有颗成全别人的心,最终受益的始终是自己。要知道,自私的心,所招感的都是自私的人,那些无私的人你永远是不会碰见的;就算给你碰见了,也不过是擦肩而过。而在你身边的,永远只会是越来越多的现实派小人。别以为你今天害到别人了,对,这是你的小聪明,但接下来你也会面对被人害的命运,何必呢?别不相信,你没碰见这些现象,只不过是因为,(一) 你不细心,(二) 你是井底之蛙,(三) 不肯接受事实。



不仅仅是林大咏一人的努力,还有一班好朋友。其实一个团体,没有共同目标是很难维持这四年的。所以才说这小伙子很幸运。还有个叫阿凯的,很多人都说他很可爱,在影片常被叙述为借功课给林大咏抄的男孩。有看到 “中学生谈恋爱”,阿凯在和女生拿电话之前说的那句 “赞啦”,好经典哦!确实令我发笑了哈哈。

看了 “中学生谈恋爱” ,这故事是关于两位中学生堕入了爱河,并且两人决定在一起交往,女方家长反对孩子在中学时期谈恋爱。­到底中学生适不适合谈恋爱呢?

看了30分钟左右的影片,总得来说还算不错。虽然剧本老套,但由马来西亚人主演,多了份亲切感,亦更接近大马的恋爱文化 =)


发现到其实马来西亚有好多才子才女,但很多时候就是因为无法发挥~~ 哎。
因为这里是 Malaysia。
在结束这篇文章前,我也要说句 “本地作品,赞啦!”

我当然有我的计划~ 总之就是赞啦 XD Bye Bye


Monday, March 11, 2013

To Differentiate Expired Car Tyre 如何分辨过期轮胎

"How to Differentiate Expired Car Tyre": English Version is below.
不知你们是否已得知这些相关资讯,但基于这文章里的一些资讯我也听别人说过,也还蛮符合,所以觉得这篇文章可信度很高。决定转来部落与你们分享 =)
(1)  要如何分辨过期tyre,避免给奸商欺骗, 大家来看看照片里左上角那张。大家看看 [3103] 这个数字, 前面 [31] 代表星期,[03] 代表年份,意思是说这条tyre的制造日期是 2003年7月的第三个礼拜,明白吗? 而tyre最佳使用期为4年之内。而过期tyre有什么危险?大家看看里面的下面照片,可看见过期的tyre不能耐热,会有裂痕,当使用一段时间就有可能发生爆胎,很危险!
(2)  要如何选择适合的Size,我先解释一下这堆数字,大家看看右上角那张。
(a) 165 代表 tyre花纹的宽度,如果这个数字越高就代表你的rim JJ越大,tyre花纹占地律多了就自然更加吃地,但相对来讲引擎负荷就变大。
(b) 65 代表 tyre本身高度,这个数字如果越高的话车子就会比较舒适但是跑快就很浮,相反如果越低的话车子就会越吵越跳,不过跑快车子的稳定性会越好。
(c) ... R14 代表 tyre的直径尺寸,这个是跟rim的。

(3) 79T 是代表可以负荷790KG重量,T代表speed rating。那么T代表最高速多少呢?请参考以下网址


English Version: How to Differentiate Expired Car Tyre

Frankly speaking, the reliability of this article is quite high. Some facts are true and same as what I heard from others. Hence, I decided to share this article here. For those drivers, you should take some time to read through this article. =)
(1) How to differentiate expired car tire and avoid being deceived?
Let's have a look in the upper left corner photo. Note: One year has 52 weeks. Take a look at [3103], [31] represents weeks while [03] represents the year, which means that this tyre date of manufacture is third week of July 2003, clear? While the vehicle tires validity period is four years from the Date of Manufacture (DOM). Thereafter, what happens if you still using tyre that already expired? As you can see from the lower photo, expired tyre cannot stand the heat, there will be cracks. After a certain period, it might results in tire blowout or a flat tire or burst whilst in use, which can be very dangerous! See how severe this problem is if you don't notice it in advance.

(2) How to choose the right size? Allow me to explain these figures, let's take a look at the top right corner photo.
(a) 165 represents the pattern tire width. The higher the number, the greater your rim JJ, tire tread will covers more area to the floor, but relatively speaking, the engine load becomes larger.
(b) 65 represents tyre height. The higher the figure, the car will be more comfortable, but the car is floating when driving at high speeds. To the contrary, the lower the number, the car will be more noisy and vibrating more than usual, but the better the stability will be when driving at high speeds.
(c) ... R14 behalf of the diameter size of the tyre, with the rim.

(3) 79T means can load 790KG weight, T represents the speed rating. What is the maximum speed does T represents? Please refer to the following website

How much wind resource is considered appropriate?

For normal family car, the standard is between 200kpa-230kpa, but if too little will affect the fuel consumption. Last but not least, if you replace a larger tire than the original rim / tire, this will directly affect your car's speed, the car's speed will rise. It means that when your car's speedometer shows 110km/h, you actually have drive more than 110km/h. This depends on how large your rim/tyre is.
The importance of Rim: the bigger the Rim doesn't result in fuel consumption, but is the weight of the Rim!

Check all your tires for safety purposes. Do not use expired tires. They are likely to burst (especially when running in hot weather) because the rubber component may have hardened and cracked. Hope this helps.

转载文章来源 Resource: Facebook

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"戀愛季節" Season Of Love (TVB) 赞!

夏之章:情場戰場”  [徐子珊、吳卓羲]
“冬之章:冰封的愛”  [馬國明、胡杏兒]
结果发现原来 “春之章” 和 “秋之章” 也不错!
演员们的演技都很精湛,演绎得很到位,成功让我们感受到世界充满着温馨与爱。编剧和导演也很棒!剧情也不差 =) 尤其是“秋之章”[胡定欣、王浩信、梁烈唯],看了给人多了份深思与反省。胡定欣饰演秋生的造型超吸睛~~ 梁烈唯演哭戏更与众不同,哭到连鼻水都流出来了。。。。继夏雨之后。不简单呐!
胡杏兒和马国明,不知为什么越看他们就越觉得顺眼,以前看他们的剧也不觉得他们哪里特别,可是最近不知是不是多了份气质还是成了实力派,只能说越看越喜欢他们 =) 现在播着最后个单元:冬之章,期待着他们,即是冬妮和祖安接下来的发展与火花。

  • 春之章:遲來初戀 ----- 林芬(梁靖琪 飾)
  • 夏之章:情場戰場 ----- 至欣(徐子珊 飾)
  • 秋之章:愛情枯萎 ----- 何生(胡定欣 飾)
  • 冬之章:冰封的愛 ----- 姚妮(胡杏兒 飾)

  • 而且主题曲超好听的!第一次听经已爱上了。

    林欣彤 - Little Something
    愛到這世間末日 示愛根本不需大氣氛
    悄悄撫心自問 原來平凡都可以動人
    仍難忘那微細聲音 難忘微雨下那街燈

    Nothing More Could Ever Be The Same
    You Kissed Me Through The Rain And Then Whisper Something
    Little Something All I Want To Say
    Everything Could Never Be The Same
    I Kissed You On That Day I Still Feel The Same Way
    My Sweet Nothing You're My Everything

    偶有些憾事 沒過去今天失掉了聲
    與你轉身會面 為何猶如相擁了十年
    原來人已在我身邊 如何能靠近你一點

    Nothing More Could Ever Be The Same
    You Kissed Me Through The Rain And Then Whisper Something
    Little Something All I Want To Say
    Everything Could Never Be The Same
    I Kissed You On That Day I Still Feel The Same Way
    My Sweet Nothing You're My Everything

    日夜路上遇十萬途人 你遠遠靠近
    就像沒預料地覓著同行 你我看似不到被哪一位吸引
    路上靜待著是誰人 但我到跟他相識的月份
    若是在路上沒留神 你我也最終可共某一位相襯

    Nothing More Could Ever Be The Same
    You Kissed Me Through The Rain And Then Whisper Something
    Little Something All I Want To Say
    Everything Could Never Be The Same
    I Kissed You On That Day I Still Feel The Same Way
    My Sweet Nothing You're My Everything

    Love Is Something I First Felt With You
    Love Is Something I First Felt With You

    Monday, March 4, 2013

    How to Put Links in Blogger Comments 置放有效链接在部落留言区

    Chinese Version is below. 中文版讲解在下方。

    Put Links in Blogger Comments?
    Hi, do you get annoyed when you try to leave a link in the comments section of Blogger blogs but it never links? Don't worry, here is a useful tip which can get you link to particular post.

    It's very simple, just copy & paste the link below.

    <a href="">Kings's Life</a>

    *Replace the first brown text with the URL of the post or blog you want to link to, and make the second brown text with the text you want to display. Hence, that would show up as Kings's Life in the comment, and would link back here.

    Try it out by commenting here!!

    P.S. Leaving comments is a good way to direct traffic to your site - as long as you Don't Spam.




    <a href="">Kings's Life</a>

    但是!!! 需改那棕色的链接为你要的链接,和你要显示的题目。
    以上述例子来说,只会显示 Kings's Life 在你的留言,只要一点击就可链接至 

    P.S:置放有效链接在留言里/ 别家部落的留言区,确实是个很好宣传部落的方法,但切忌,不可滥用~~

    Specially Thanks: The Bexter 

    MUET Writing Essay Format 2013

    Time flies fast, it's been 2 years I took MUET exam. Anyway, as promised in early January, I will write atleast 1 Muet essay this year as to show my sincere thankful to all blog visitors. Nevertheless, after referring to Madam Audrey (Muet My Way), I realize that it's quite challenging because the formats keep changing and uncertainty. Moreover, the Muet academic essay writing question often leads to misunderstanding, which means that MPM's marking scheme for writing still has so much difference as compared to majority of students thoughts, finally resulted in low marks/ grades. Hence, to avoid mistake, I will get as more accurate informations as possible in order to write a correct essay =)  In this post, I'm going to share Muet Writing Essay Format.

    MUET Writing Essay: How to Organise Your Essay? (Question 2)
    Type 1: Agree [100%]
    --> Introduction
    --> Agree 1
    --> Agree 2
    --> Agree 3
    --> Conclusion

    Type 2: Disagree [100%]
    --> Introduction
    --> Disagree 1
    --> Disagree 2
    --> Disagree 3
    --> Conclusion

    Type 3: Impartial [50/50] [40/60]
    --> Introduction
    --> Agree 1
    --> Agree 2
    --> Disagree 1
    --> Disagree 2
    --> Conclusion
    --> Introduction
    --> Agree 1
    --> Vs. Disagree 1
    --> Agree 2
    --> Vs. Disagree 2
    --> Conclusion

    Thesis Statement:
    (a) You must have a stand in the "Introduction".
    eg: In my opinion,.....

    (b) The last and important sentence in "Introduction".
    [ I will discuss ______, _______ and _______.]

    Thesis Statement Samples
    In this essay, I will discuss...........

    Type A: ......three benefits/ advantages/ strategies which are ______, _______ and _______.
    Format: --> Introduction
                 -->  Benefit/ Advantage/ Strategies 1
                 -->  Benefit/ Advantage/ Strategies 2
                 -->  Benefit/ Advantage/ Strategies 3
                 -->  Conclusion

    Type B: ......three drawbacks/ disadvantages which are ______, _______ and _______.
    Format: -->  Introduction
                  -->  Drawback/ Disadvantage  1
                  -->  Drawback/ Disadvantage  2
                  -->  Drawback/ Disadvantage  3
                  -->  Conclusion

    Type C: ......the pros, cons and some solutions.
    Format: -->  Introduction
                  -->  Pros
                  -->  Cons
                  -->  Solutions
                  -->  Conclusion

    Type D: ......some benefits and drawbacks as well as suggestions to overcome it.
    Format: -->  Introduction
                  -->  Benefits
                  -->  Drawbacks
                  -->  Suggestions
                  -->  Conclusion

    Type E: ......the advantages and disadvantages and some ways to overcome it.
    Format: -->  Introduction
                  -->  Advantages
                  -->  Disadvantages
                  -->  Ways to overcome
                  -->  Conclusion

    Type F: it affects the individual, society and nation as a whole.
    Format: -->  Introduction
                  -->  Individual
                  -->  Society
                  -->  Nation
                  -->  Conclusion

    Type G: ......the impact to us in terms of social, financial and spiritual aspects.
    Format: --> Introduction
                 -->  Social
                 -->  Financial
                 -->  Spiritual
                 -->  Conclusion

    Type H: ......the short term and long term effects as well as some solutions.
    Format: -->  Introduction
                  -->  Short term effects
                  -->  Long term effects
                  -->  Solutions
                  -->  Conclusion

    Example of Thesis Statement
    They say that money makes the world go round. And indeed it does as without money, life would be very difficult as in today’s society, nothing is free. The side effect however is that people are becoming more materialistic; more concerned with making money and what money can buy. But how much money is enough? Is it ever enough? To some, it will never be enough. In my opinion, I truly believe that this statement is true and that people are becoming more materialistic in nature. In this essay, I will discuss how materialism has affected modern society’s way of life on an individual level, the country’s economy as well as our spiritual and moral beliefs.
    It is true that no ‘man is an island’ meaning that no one in this world can live alone without friendship. That person would be very socially challenged as he or she would miss the camaraderie and life experiences that come with friendship. However, I completely disagree with the statement that the most valuable thing in life is friendship as there are certainly more important and priceless things in life besides this. In this essay, I will outline how life itself is more valuable than friendship, and elaborate on why family and the individual’s principles in life are ranked higher.

    Related useful words
    *First and foremost,.......
    *Last but not least,.......
    *In conclusion/ In a nutshell,.......

    Sample Answer for Question 1 Muet Writing:

    Sample Answer for Question 2 Muet Writing Paper Mid-Year 2011:

    Good Luck in your exam!
    Refer & Thanks to: Muet My Way
