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Why Pakatan Rakyat loses the 13th General Election 5/5/2013?
看到一篇来自Facebook James Yeang 的文章。某些观点确实赞同。
Saw a Facebook post written by James Yeang. Do agree with some point.
So it's over. Congratulations Barisan Nasional for winning the elections. Congratulations Pakatan Rakyat for winning the popular vote.
Thank you for coming out to vote. A turnout of more than 80% is something truly applaudable.
Here's one thing which may differ from what a lot of people are saying:
This was NOT a dirty elections day.
It was a reasonably fair elections day.
The elections system, in place since years ago however, is another story all together.
To all voters, you must understand that this happened because of ONE THING, and ONE THING ONLY. Deeply entrenched SPR gerrymandering, which has existed since eons ago, and is something we entered the elections fully aware of, with both eyes open, but were unable to overcome this round.
You should not be able to LOSE the popular vote and still win the elections by such a HUGE parliamentary margin.
Nothing else is a real major factor. Not the 'phantom voters' , not the vote buying, not the inaccurate electoral roll, not the scare tactics, not the postal votes.
All the 'dirty' tactics are in place as a distraction, nothing more.
Even if everything was cleaned up, and there was no vote buying, no phantom voters, no postal votes irregularities...
...PR would STILL LOSE (Lose less, but still lose).
Saying otherwise would be like saying you lost a 1 on 1 basketball game with Michael Jordan because you weren't wearing the right shoes, or had a bad breakfast.
The way our parliamentary system is drawn out is so that BN can retain power by winning the non urban areas in Malaysia.
BN can lose EVERY SINGLE MAJOR URBAN CITY, and STILL win the elections. BN segments the country into...
Places which you can't control with an iron fist, and people don't really need you (urban) - lump them into a few seats.
Places which really, really need your little handouts (non-urban) - break them out into many seats.
You can win the Malaysian elections with less than 20% of the popular vote. This is not a secret.
This is why PR lost.
Previously when BN held the popular vote you could argue that it didn't matter because it's still the will of the people.
Now, you really can't, because for the first time in history, more people voted against BN, and it's really not the will of the people now, so gerrymandering sticks out like a sore thumb.
This issue is however, hidden in the claims of 'phantom voters' , vote buying, inaccurate electoral roll, scare tactics, postal votes.
BN throws up 5 intentionally bad election practices, PR picks up on it, and makes a big deal out of it.
BN ends up fixing (poorly) a couple of issues, and then claims elections reform. While everyone is so fixated about stopping Bangladeshis at polling stations, and extremely soluble indelible ink, no one really champions the gerrymandering to any great extent. Possibly because it's a much drier and less outrageous subject...
...and everybody forgets that if...
You can win the Malaysian elections with less than 20% of the popular vote.
...the 'bangla' in the corner doesn't really matter much.
It is highly likely that PR resources after today will be spread thin covering the numerous election issues rather than focusing on the one that REALLY counts.
So congratulations BN also for the amazing 'wag the dog' tactics over the years. I wish you'd put such electoral genius to good use in running the country.
ps. If you think this is too smart for BN, you're probably right.
This entire gerrymandering system was constructed before the previous 2 prime ministers. Everyone else in BN today is just reaping the 'benefits'.
ps. I'm not an armchair critic. I've done everything from voter registrations in shopping complexes to the entire slew of election duties in 3 elections.(James, 2013)
To all Malaysians:
Please don't misunderstand Chinese and Indian! Don't try to provoke racial issues! We don't have racial prejudice and don't have the rights to look down on anyone. We also feel proud to have Malay, Chinese, Indian and indigenous as our friends and becomes 1 Malaysia! But we just want to choose the government that really cares and loves us! Because we love Malaysia, so we need to fight for a peaceful and 'CLEAN' country! No corruption, no bribery! No lazy police! We need safety! We need efficient country! We need fair education system! Please think of your future generations! We can't just focus on the short-term benefit without thinking of our next generations.
For those who are Malay, please understand that this is not an issue of perkauman between Malay VS Chinese. The reason why all Chinese people supported & voted for Pakatan Rakyat because we think it's Clean & Uncorrupt & have Capable Leaders. From the past results, because of Barisan Nasional and the government, our country becomes corrupted and suffered a financial crisis right now! So that's why we want to change!
We don't need Chinese to govern this country and we know it's impossible. What Chinese people are seeking is Good and Clean Leaders that can govern our country well, so that we can have racial harmony, so that we can have a sense of belonging in our home country land without discrimination, so that we can have a safer country to live in, so that we can have justice for everyone, leaders without corruptions, an uncorrupted judiciary & police force, open media, open tender, better healthcare & education system, better economic growth and have a better democratic system!
So that at the end of the day, all of us (Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Dayak, Kadazan and others) can UNITE TOGETHER HOLDING HANDS and bring our country forward to achieve a Developed Nation in 2020!
Islam is a peaceful religion & its believed by about 1.6 billion people in the world. We have no issue at all even your entire cabinet are all Malays and practices Islam as long as they're CLEAN & BERSIH MALAY LEADERS we are already very grateful about it.
Hidup Melayu! Hidup Islam! Hidup Cina! Hidup India!
Satu Malaysia Satu Family!
Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim also can become our prime minister!
We just want a Clean & Safe & Better Malaysia!
我不否认政府有使出极之肮脏的手段,但相信这“划选区”才是国阵胜利的最大原因!没想到在以前就已部署好了!可到今天才知道 @.@ 究竟做了多少年鲁鲁?我没想得如此周详,只是感到很奇怪为何东马会有那么多国会议席?!而西马每个州就一点一点国会议席,原来是因为看中东马那里没什么发展,没什么苛求,简简单单,只要给点甜头就容易满足,容易搞掂。所以把那里的选区划到那么多!你知道吗?东马的国席比例已经是超过总数的4分之1了!假如有天连东马也发展成像吉隆坡一样,那政府可又会重新划分了!真可恶。
难怪民联赢的选区,总是拥有高数票,就是赢就赢到整几十条街那样,甚至高达50000多张的也有!而国阵赢的选区,区区5000张就赢了一个选区,金马仑那个更够力,才几百张国阵就轻易赢了那个国席!政府,你这 “选区划分” 也太精明了吧,只能感慨我们技不如人了。
而且这样做未必十拿九稳,来个$$$$收买人心,来个Oppa Gangnam Style,来个不褪色墨汁误导人民,来个外劳风波,来个乱拍影片广告中伤别的党,再来个终极大停电,什么趋势也可被扭转~~~
最够力的就是有些议席,反对党还鬼打鬼,同个反对党竟然有2个选手!结果分散了票,国阵胜!更够力的是总会有独立人士出来搅和 @.@
不仅如此,大多数国阵赢的都是UMNO党。这是当然,马来人和土著的福利多华人和印度人几十条街,自然不会知道我们这些二等良民的苦!要这些人知道?等到国阵贪污到极点的那一天吧!只有土著发现被剥夺福利的那一刻才会体会我们的 “苦” ,才知道事态严重!现在?火都还没烧到他们一根手指头呢~~ 才懒得理会我们。结果多数马来人或土著居住的地盘和没发展的地方包括乡村的选民都只管投选他们认为最好的巫统,怕死没了那些所谓的福利$$$,结果保住国阵了咯!哎,要知道眼前利益不长久,国家已经负债累累,美好时光不再。土著人,马来人,你们可要为自己,为你们的下一代着想呀~~
有做好人民本分,而且很团结~ 给有投票的自己鼓励掌声!
也给那些有呼吁别人投票的朋友鼓励掌声!至少民联赢了Popular Vote总票数!
Global Voice! From net friend
作者:Adrian Tan,森美兰
大马艺人 谢松汎 的评论:
说得好 Bravo!故我们一定要团结~ 创造美好的未来,创造一个真正的马来西亚!记得,我们并没有种族歧视任何人,我们也没资格这么做!我们只是在选择干净,公平,以民为本的政府,因为我们爱马来西亚!我们也很荣幸能跟马来人和印度人成为三大民族。错只错在政府不能真正做到干净,公平,以民为本。